Coach the Coach: An Opportunity to Join Susan Whitcomb’s Thought Leader Sessions

Published: August 19, 2013

Of all the Speakers we booked this year, you had the best response from our students!  In fact, in the past few years, you’re the best speaker we’ve had!

Sonia Honne-Gonzalez, Senior Program Coordinator, UT Austin, Texas

If you don’t already know who Susan Whitcomb is, I highly recommend you find out fast (  She is the de facto leader of the job coach training industry, with over 25 years of experience and having been a pioneer in this area.  Strong and entrepreneurial as she runs her business, yet warm and caring with everyone she meets, she is truly a master of her trade.

Susan and I met at the MBACSC conference (now known as the MBACSEA), where she attended my presentation.  We got to know each other better in the weeks after and she asked to feature me on her free monthly “though leader series” – learn more here.

With a global audience on the line, Susan and I interplayed as we discussed the foundation of The Rockstar Approach, the Relationship Hierarchy – a framework for building personal connections with influential individuals.  We also discussed how to motivate students and clients who are job-seekers to go out there and really do their best, especially if they are more introvertive or are international candidates who tend to shy away from networking.  We spent a good deal of time discussing how to focus students or clients to choose specific industries, companies, functions, and roles.   Check out her page to see what free calls are coming down the pike – don’t miss it! (

Being a career coach in addition to an author and public speaker, it was great to share some of my learnings with other coaches… I hope to continue to be a part of Susan’s community so I can learn from other coaches as well.

While you may have missed the conference call, you can get started with most of the topics we covered by signing up for your FREE copy of “The Rockstar Approach: A Beginner’s Guide” by clicking here.