Fall Speaking Tour: University of Toronto
Published: September 4, 2013
We are so excited we get to bring you back to campus multiple times a year to speak to our students – they love your energy and your powerful advice every time!
Maureen Manion-Leone Senior Director, Career Management Center Emory University – Goizueta Business School, Georgia
It was literally the first day of school for the undergraduate students at University of Toronto – one of the premier universities in all of Canada. And they had an option to come see me late in the evening to learn about networking. That’s asking for a bit of a commitment, but I tell you what… over a hundred students showed up, including first year students who were in their very first day of college ever!
It was my first non-US workshop, but it went swimmingly. Networking truly is universal! Its about people, and its about creating connections. The students were engaged and really took in the content. I was surprised by how confident some of the students were even in their young age. Really impressive group of students, and I’m glad I was able to help them learn how to making lasting, personal relationships to help them in their careers and throughout their lifetime.
Its very typical for me to get feedback on the session and aspects of the workshop that students really got a lot out of. But it made me smile to see a bit of a “personal evaluation” by one of the students:
“I was able to get a better sense of who you are as a person and as a professional; genuine, motivated and passionate”
I think those are 3 great words to describe me, and I’m truly appreciative that those characteristics shine through during the presentation!
A wonderful experience in Canada, and I hope to return soon and re-engage with these amazing students!