College Speaking
Jaymin delivers exciting, enriching, and inspiring workshops to college students to set them on the right track for college, career, and beyond!
Jaymin is a popular speaker who is booked again and again. He is consistently one of the highest rated speakers at the colleges he visits, which include:
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Case Western Reserve University
- City University of New York – Baruch College
- Columbia University
- Emory University
- Harvard University
- Michigan State University
- New York University
- Northwestern University
- Rutgers University
- Southern Methodist University
- Stanford University
- University of Chicago
- University of Iowa
- University of Michigan
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Rochester
- University of Southern California
- University of Texas
- University of Toronto
- Youngstown State University
…to name a few! No matter their major, Jaymin teaches students all the right moves to create a ‘Rockstar Trajectory’ in life. He offers a variety of workshops which book-end the college experience. From orientation to graduation, Jaymin is the ideal speaker for your college event.
Jaymin is a credible and dynamic speaker who delivers actionable advice with an energy that excites college students. See what students have to say and what Event Coordinators have to say by visiting the testimonials page.
Workshop Details:

Jumpstart Your College Career & Get College to Work for You:
8 Proven Methods of Highly Effective Students that will Positively Change Your Life’s Course
In this motivational workshop, Jaymin helps students understand various secrets to success in college, career, and beyond! He teaches students how to:
- Get on the “secret” fast track of college
- Start a conversation with anyone
- Get professors on their side
- ‘Make the Grade’ with outstanding academics
- Take actions early on that will get employers to hire them
- Navigate difficult moments and inspire others
- Identify and connect with the most influential individuals
- Make the most of the College experience

LEADERS Are Born In College:
7 Lessons for Student Leaders Who Want to Change The World
In this inspiring workshop, Jaymin helps student LEADERS (re) ignite their passion for driving change and gives them the tools and lessons needed for success that can only be learned through experience:
L – Learn who to Listen to & why (or why not!)
E – Engage ALL stakeholders & lead with vision
A – Accept praise & dissenting points of view properly
D – Discipline themselves with the ‘Rockstar Approach’
E – Educate themselves consistently & purposefully
R – Reset with a LEADER Self-Assessment
S – Surround themselves with the Right People

Network Like A Rockstar!
In this dynamic workshop, Jaymin breaks down networking into a science that anyone can understand (especially international students and introverts) by teaching students how to:
- Build confidence in talking to anyone
- Understand what a Recruiter is really thinking and how they really make decisions
- Clearly articulate their career goals and definition of career success
- Understand the 11 Attributes of a Rockstar Candidate that firms are looking for
- Develop lasting personal relationships with influential individuals

Interview Like A Rockstar!
In this intimate workshop, Jaymin shared insights from “the other side of the table” to prepare students to ace the interview. He teaches students how to:
- Know what the interviewer is thinking the moment they enter the room
- Identify the 4 key dimensions that interviewers are really assessing in the process
- Know the 3 most common (& important!) questions interviewers ask, and how to answer them
- Adopt a proper “Rockstar Mindset” to effectively prepare for the interview
- Ask intelligent questions to Interviewers at the end of the interview to enhance the chances of an offer
Career Fair Boot Camp!
Jaymin is consistently asked to do “pre-conference” webinars & workshops for some of the largest Career Fairs in the nation. Whether you are hosting a Fair on campus or sending students to a National Career Fair, Jaymin’s 8 simple rules will help your students stand out from the crowd & make the most of the Career Fair. This workshop will also help enhance your school’s reputation as well as employer relations as companies will be excited to recruit well-polished candidates who make a positive impact during networking interactions!
Are you Tan?
Stories & Lessons in Diversity, Adversity & Defining Moments
Jaymin was the only non-white individual in his elementary school when he moved in 3rd grade – the adversity he faced became a “defining moment” leading him to inspire his classmates and later on lead the largest student-led diversity initiative at his University. He is now recog-nized as a Diversity Leader in both University and Corporate Settings.
Black or White
Gay or Straight
Large or Skinny
Young or Old
…or Physically Challenged, etc. every student represents some kind of diversity that will inevitably lead them to facing adversity.
In this heart-felt and inspiring workshop, Jaymin helps students convert these moments of adversity into “Defining Moments” where individuals can be proud of who they are and learn to teach and inspire others.
The True Bond of Brotherhood:
Integrity, Accountability, Motivation & Support In the Greek System
Jaymin was VP of Programs for his Fraternity, a member of IFC, and voted “Greek God” across the Greek System in College. He is also a certified Men’s Initiation Journey Coach who focuses on helping men understand their true masculine potential & purpose in life.
In this men-only workshop, Jaymin unveils the historical archetypes of the King, Warrior, Magician & Lover that have persevered throughout history across a myriad of world civilizations. Combining these global teachings with a discussion of the true nature of integrity, Jaymin gives young men today the tools, perspective, and language to stand in their full masculine potential and understand the true bond of brotherhood. There has never been a greater time for these lessons to be shared.