Corporate Events
Jaymin presents exciting and enriching content that all professionals are eager to hear: How to Network to Get Promoted!
Leveraging ground-breaking organizational behavior research from top universities like Carnegie Mellon University, along with his “Networking Science” which helps anyone understand how to network effectively, Jaymin enables professionals with a “Rockstar Trajectory” which propels them to climb the corporate ladder more quickly and efficiently than the rest.
Jaymin is a credible speaker who has many years of experience in Corporate America, where he leveraged networking to open up numerous opportunities for him that propelled him to become one of the top 5% of earners in the US 25 and up… when he was only 24 years old!
Jaymin has also worked as a Management Consultant where he advised C-Level Executives, Senior VPs, and Directors on a variety of strategic initiatives including building new organizational teams and leading the talent-selection process. He knows exactly how these Executives work with high-level HR professionals to make decisions regarding the talent pipeline for their companies. He unveils these secrets along with his “Networking Science” to enable any professional to effectively get the promotion they desire and deserve.
Jaymin has worked with numerous corporations, including:
- General Mills
- Citibank
- Miller Coors
- Kraft
- Unilever
- Campbell’s
- Johnson Controls
- GE Health Care
- Harley Davidson
…to name a few! Jaymin is an audience favorite that is often voted as the highest-rated speaker. Learn more about what audience members have to say by visiting the testimonials page.
Workshop Details:
How to Network to Get Promoted!
Jaymin has developed a “science” behind networking that is framed for working professionals and helps break down the nebulous concept of networking. He will share tips and tricks collected from dozens of industry professionals on their journey to “move up the corporate ladder”– including his own personal successes and failures as a “Climber” and a “Promoter” (team of Senior Executives and HR Professionals who make promotion decisions).
In this workshop, Jaymin will help your colleagues:
- Build confidence in talking to anyone
- Understand what Senior Leaders are really thinking and how they really make decisions regarding promotions
- Clearly articulate their career goals and definition of career success
- Identify the right individuals to network with
- Understand the 11 Attributes of an Rockstar Candidate that Senior Leaders are looking for
- Self –assess and determine if they are a Rockstar candidate
- Develop lasting personal relationships with influential individuals
- “Work the room” with ease and finesse at networking receptions (especially in a “circle of death” situation)
- And most importantly… Understand what NOT to do, what to do, and when