MBA Workshops

Jaymin inspires MBA students with his unique perspective of having been both an MBA student and an MBA recruiter for one of the top consulting firms in the world.  He breaks down the often ‘intimidating’ or ‘boring’ topics of Networking and Interviewing into a “science” that any MBA student can understand.  His message especially resonates with introverted students and international students.  He presents a dynamic, interactive, education, and enriching workshop that provides step-by-step direction on how to Network and Interview Like A Rockstar!

Jaymin is a popular speaker that is often the highest rated speaker across many business schools by both MBA students and Career Services Offices.  He has presented a myriad of workshops at a variety of MBA Programs, including:

  • Harvard
  • UPenn – Wharton
  • Stanford
  • Northwestern – Kellogg
  • Chicago Booth
  • Columbia
  • UMich – Ross
  • NYU – Stern
  • CMU – Tepper
  • Cornell – Johnson
  • UT Austin – McCombs
  • Emory – Goizueta
  • UPitt – Katz
  • Iowa State – Tippie
  • MSU – Broad
  • Youngstown State – Williamson

Jaymin customizes his workshops for each specific program he is speaking to, and will set up a ~30-60 minute phone meeting prior to the workshop in order to ensure that the right message is delivered in the right way.  Jaymin is also keen to understand various Career Services offerings or events and promotes them during his workshops.

Jaymin has delivered customized workshops to a variety of MBA programs, Master Programs, and MBA student groups including:

  • 2 Year Full-time MBA students (both first year and 2nd year)
  • 1 Year Accelerated MBA students
  • Part-time/Flex-time/Evening MBA Students
  • Experienced/Executive MBA students (typical 10+ years of experience)
  • Specialty Masters Programs- Masters in: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain/Operations, etc.
  • Pre-MBA students
  • International Students
  • Students focused on Consulting Careers
  • Students focused on Impact Careers

Jaymin is a credible and dynamic speaker who delivers actionable advice with an energy that excites MBA students.  See what students have to say and what Career Services Professionals have to say by visiting the testimonials page.

Workshop Details:

Network Like A Rockstar Workshop (1-2 hours)

In this workshop, Jaymin helps MBA students:

  • Build confidence in talking to anyone
  • Understand what a Recruiter is really thinking and how they really make decisions
  • Clearly articulate their career goals and definition of career success
  • Identify the right individuals to network with
  • Understand the 11 Attributes of an Rockstar Candidate that firms are looking for
  • Self –assess and determine if they are a Rockstar candidate
  • Develop lasting personal relationships with influential individuals
  • “Work the room” with ease and finesse at networking receptions and Career Fairs (especially in a “circle of death” situation)
  • And most importantly… Understand what NOT to do, what to do, and when

Interview Like A Rockstar: (1-2 hours)

In this workshop, Jaymin helps MBA students:

  • Understand the bigger picture behind the interview
  • Know what the interviewer is thinking the moment they enter the room
  • Identify the 4 key dimensions that MBA interviewers are really assessing in the process
  • Know the 3 most common (& important!) questions interviewers ask, and how to answer them
  • Understand the 11 Attributes of an Rockstar Candidate that interviewers are looking for
  • Self –assess and determine if they are a Rockstar candidate
  • Understand the decision process and mindset employers use to forward candidates between 1st round interviews, 2nd round interviews, and final offer rounds… and how each round differs
  • Adopt a proper “Rockstar Mindset” to effectively prepare for the interview
  • Ask intelligent questions to Interviewers at the end of the interview
  • And most importantly… Understand what NOT to do, what to do, and when

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